Strč hlad do kapsy
s mobilní aplikací BB


Your opinion

We value your opinion, please give us your feedback

Bageterie Boulevard aims to produce only the best and tastiest products. How can this be achieved?  By hard work of our team members and quality product from our suppliers, but that's not all.  Another important factor is the feedback from our customers, YOU.

Therefore, if you have any questions, suggestions, comments or ideas about our products, please feel free to write to us.

We are happy to hear all of your opinions, from the positive ones and the ones that give us inspiration to the ones that criticize and might be even uncomfortable, but this will help us to provide the best service possible to our beloved customers.

Napište nám

Praha 1 - BB Koruna

Václavské náměstí 1
Na Příkopě 2
Praha 1

Otevírací doba:

Pondělí - Sobota
08:00 - 23:00
08:00 - 22:00


M: 732 341 445